Weapon is a 2024 Indian superhero movie directed by Guhan Senippan and written by M.S. Produced by Million Studios. Produced by Approved. The film stars Sathyaraj and Vasant Ravi, Rajiv Menon, Tanya Hope, Syed Subhan and Rajiv Pillai in supporting roles. The story is about Agni, a YouTuber and environmentalist, who goes on a mission to find a superhuman Mithran. Agni wants to showcase Mithran’s amazing abilities on his channel, but things get complicated as others are also looking for Mithran.
The film was announced in October 2022, and the shooting of the film began in November 2022 in Chennai, which was completed by the end of September 2023. Gibran composed the music, with Prabhu Raghav handling the cinematography and Gopi Krishnan editing the film.
Weapon was released in theaters on 7 June 2024. The movie received mixed reviews, with some praising it and others being more critical.